Episode 04: Michele Harbin

Our lives are made up of stories, and here in the Story Garden, we strive to SHARE those stories. Are you ready to visit the garden?

This week, I’m tickled to welcome my friend Michele Harbin to the Story Garden! Michele and I first connected online but found we had a vast community of mutual friends, and she has since become one of my biggest cheerleaders and a friend I am deeply grateful for. She also has an incredible speaking voice (gimme that Southern accent!). Please note that Michele’s third story discusses alcoholism and sobriety. Want to connect with Michele or Harbin Hollow? Visit harbinhollow.com or find them on your social media platforms!

Special thanks to musicians Joseph Wandass the Fourth (better known as J4) and Elena Gentleman for use of their song “Stay With Me,” which can be found on streaming platforms or by visiting j4sings.com. You can also connect with them on Instagram and Facebook!

The Story Garden Pod is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Google Podcasts or here at storygardenpod.com. Are you ready to support the podcast? Become a Patreon Supporter at patreon.com/storygardenpod.


Episode 05: Nicole Bell


Episode 03: Nubia Barajas