Episode 10: Kelley Taylor

Our lives are made up of stories, and here in the Story Garden, we strive to SHARE those stories. Are you ready to visit the garden?

Please note that this episode discusses the grief of losing a spouse and the grief of losing a parent. The conversation was a healing one for both Kelley and I, and I hope you will feel the same way.

And now, I’m excited to introduce today’s guest - Kelley Turnage Taylor. Kelley, who was introduced to me this past April by our mutual friend Kate, is the owner of Five Oaks Wood, an instructor with Nia House Montessori in Nashville, and has already, in our short friendship, shared more wisdom with me than I thought possible. She is kind, intelligent, hardworking, and honest - and she’s also sharing her grief journey in ways that are really, really beautiful.

Want to connect with Kelley? Follow Five Oaks Wood on Facebook (and stay tuned, as I’m sure I will also share when it opens to the public). Donations to the Todd Fund can be sent to Hendersonville Boy Scout Troop 406. Finally, you can listen to the food desert podcast, Nia House Kids News Network, on your favorite podcast platform!

Special thanks to musician John Eason for use of his song “Be Amazed,” which can be found on streaming platforms or by visiting johneasonmusic.com - and don’t forget to follow him on socials to catch his next local gig.  

The Story Garden Pod is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Google Podcasts or here at storygardenpod.com. Are you ready to support the podcast? Become a Patreon Supporter at patreon.com/storygardenpod.


Episode 11: Josh King


Episode 09: PRIDE! Live from Affirming Hendersonville