Episode 02: Cole Shepherd

Content Note: As mentioned in the intro, Cole's second story includes subjects that may be triggering to some. To skip this story, pause at 14:50 and pick back up at 16:30.

Our lives are made up of stories, and here in the Story Garden, we strive to SHARE those stories. Are you ready to visit the garden?

This week, I’m excited to welcome my friend Cole Shepherd to Story Garden Pod. Cole, who I often refer to as my "super secret spy friend," can also be known by his passion for serving the community, corny jokes, and - the best part - his jolly smile (if you know Cole, you know he’s always smiling!).

Special thanks to musician Caleb Joseph Elder for use of his song "Ghosts,” which can be found to purchase or stream at cjemusic.com. Caleb will be releasing a new album soon, so make sure to check him out!

The Story Garden Pod is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Google Podcasts or here at meganlange.co/story-garden. Are you ready to support the podcast? Become a Patreon Supporter at patreon.com/storygardenpod.


Episode 03: Nubia Barajas


Episode 01: Kaneisha Dotson