Episode 01: Kaneisha Dotson

Our lives are made up of stories, and here in the Story Garden, we strive to SHARE those stories. Are you ready to visit the garden?

This week, I’m excited to welcome my first guest to Story Garden Pod: Kaneisha Dotson! Kaneisha is a wife, mother, sister, friend, small business owner, creator, and overall badass, and I can’t wait for you to listen to her stories. To purchase popcorn from Kaneisha, visit kbgourmetpopcorn.com (my personal favorite is the Chicago mix, fyi).

Special thanks to musician Erinn Scates for use of her song “Requiem @ 3 AM,” which can be found to purchase or stream at linktr.ee/erinnmarie615.

The Story Garden Pod is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts or here at meganlange.co/story-garden. Are you ready to support the podcast? Become a Patreon Supporter at patreon.com/storygardenpod.


Episode 02: Cole Shepherd


Story Garden Pod: Promo