Story Garden Pod: Promo

Everyone has a story to tell. Some of them are fairy tales you grew up hearing at bedtime. Some are personal anecdotes - that time you fell down riding a bike, or the time you let your best friend give you a haircut. Some stories are dreams you’ve had over and over again - and some are even tall tales, superstitious stories told by your Granny while she taught you how to cook. Whatever they are, these stories have become an integral part of YOUR story. 

My name is Megan Lange, and I am the Story Gardener. Join me as I invite my friends to share three stories that make them uniquely THEM. Our lives are made up of stories, and when we tell them, we open ourselves up to new stories. Are you ready to listen? 

The Story Garden Pod is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts or here at Are you ready to support the podcast? Become a Patreon Supporter at


Episode 01: Kaneisha Dotson